Three? I’ve got tons… Weekly Recap 6/3/2024


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There are so many books that have influenced me, where does one even begin? For starters, what if I tell you about three books that come as one?

I’m talking about Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Henry Cornelius Agrippa — specifically, the version edited and annotated by Donald Tyson. Unfortunately, it’s a little pricy (as far as books go, at least), so I had it in my cart for probably a year before actually getting around to purchase it. I think one of the first things that called to me was the listing of all the planetary squares, including reverse engineering how some of the seals and sigils were constructed and a breakdown of the original Hebrew letters used. It is undeniably valuable as a reference tool. It also contains lots of incense recipes (albeit, many that use animal parts) and some information on the “music of the spheres.” There’s pretty much something for every occultist.

Clocking in at around 1000 pages, it’s definitely one of the heaviest books on our shelves.

But seriously, I have a lot of books that I recommend. Once upon a time, I actually started making a list, which you can view here. I linked to 24 titles before I got distracted by other things.

Also, apparently there is a book-related theme of prompts this year because I seem to remember answering another similar question just a few weeks ago… Oddly enough, I actually recommended three books there!

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Good morning and happy Monday, friends!

First up, check out the spotlight article on Iya Dr. Funlayo E. Wood, who will be headlining at Summer Magick Fest 2024. SMF is happening this week! I can’t wait! In the next update, I’m sure I’ll be telling you about all the cool stuff we saw.

Speaking of Summer Magick… I finally found part of what I’ll be wearing to the “flower power” night…

Selene and I went thrifting over the weekend and these pants were too fantastic to pass up. What says “flower power” better than this?

I also made some cool stuff to talk about at my workshop.

Any thoughts as to what I’m preparing here? I won’t spoil it. You’ll have to come to my workshop to find out.

Selene and I were at prison over the weekend. We went over shielding and, overall, had a good class. I guess the guys caught our appearance on Seeking Witchcraft, so they were kind of excited about that. Unfortunately, our “memo” that allows us to bring in donuts and coffee for our services “expired,” so it was a little difficult getting past the security checkpoints.

I’ve posted this pretty much everywhere I can think of, but just a reminder that we’ll be having a book drive at Summer Magick to donate for incarcerated individuals. We did this last year and it was a big hit!

If you’re going to attend Summer Magick Fest, just drop your books off at the registration table. We will greatly appreciate it! Trust me, it will make a difference in someone’s life.

I had a lot of fun yesterday on The Alexian Show, Episode 4. I shared some song lyrics and we all bonded by nerding out over Star Trek.

I’m still working on my presentation for Summer Magick. I’ve been joking with Selene that I’ll probably have it finished sometime Saturday morning — my workshop is Saturday afternoon.

It’s going to be a pretty crazy week. We’re leaving for Orlando on Wednesday morning, hitting up Disney World for a day, then attending festival while at the same time going to some family stuff.

That means… you might not hear from me too much this week. We’ll see how much writing and posting time I have in between other things. Either way, take care and have a great week!


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2 responses to “Three? I’ve got tons… Weekly Recap 6/3/2024”

  1. marvellousnightmare Avatar

    A great choice! Agrippa is a wonderful classics, everyone who walks the magic path should read, and as for Tyson, I deeply enjoyed Tarot Magic. This book influenced me deeply as well!
    Wonderful recommendations and post in general!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aerik Arkadian Avatar
      Aerik Arkadian

      I haven’t read his tarot book, but now I want to!

      Liked by 1 person

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