Lots of things make me nervous… Weekly Recap 4/15/2024


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Like many other humans, there are lots of things that make me nervous.

Here’s a very short list for your entertainment:

  1. Interviewing people on my YouTube channel
  2. Death
  3. Heights, when experienced in such a way where the above fear is risked

Honestly, that’s the order in which they came to my mind. If you were judging me just by my list of fears, it might seem like I fear talking to people more than I fear death.

And maybe I do. Who’s to say, really? What makes us nervous isn’t so very important… what’s more important is how we deal with those fears.

So… how do we deal with fears? Grounding and centering is a pretty good start. Hey, you know what? I was wondering what I should write about this week. Maybe I’ll write about that.

For general nervousness, however, like fear of public speaking, I think I’ve developed a pretty decent system. I visualize myself growing larger and larger until my head bumps into some planets in the solar system. I then breathe in some planetary energy that matches the vibe I’m trying to go for… usually some confidence from Mars.

It might sound silly, but I promise it works well.

Oh, and as a bonus list for you, here’s a couple things that seem to make lots of people nervous, but don’t bother me so much.

  1. Spiders – When I see a spider in the house, sometimes I feel like I’ve just met a friendly form of pest control. After all, they do eat other bugs. Of course, sometimes I also kill them. I guess it depends on which corner they’re hiding in.
  2. Thrill Rides – I love a good roller coaster. The rest of my family does not usually agree though!
Daily writing prompt
What makes you nervous?

Good morning and happy Monday, friends.

And happy Tax Day, I suppose, if that’s something to be happy about.

This past week I posted the written summary article of Christopher Penczak’s interview as well as a yearly recap of some highlights over the past 12 months.

Earlier last week, Selene and I spent some time viewing the eclipse. Nothing fancy, just stood outside with some eclipse glasses and watched the show. I tried to take a bunch of pictures, but I was squinting so hard that I didn’t realize I had the wrong camera selected and I actually ended up taking lots of shots of my own forehead. It was still fun to watch and I think we’ve decided that at some point in our lives, we’re going to have to travel somewhere to see totality.

I left a jar of water outside with a quartz crystal to make some eclipse water. We’ll use it for our ritual water or something. That’s about as much effort as I was willing to put in. Did anybody else do any cool eclipse magick?

This is the best eclipse photo I could get. My phone was not wearing the proper protective gear.

Early next week, I’m going to be interviewing Nathan Hall and discussing his book, Path of the Moonlit Hedge. So that will be exciting! I’ve also been trying to extend my reach of contacts to find other guests — I think I’m putting a pretty good lineup together, but I’m always open to suggestions. If you know anyone who you think would make a great guest on M3, just drop me a line!

I have to say most of my past week has been focused on fluid condensers. Part 4 is definitely coming along, but I’ve also been compiling all of the series into one giant thing, of which I’ve written close to 20,000 words so far. I realize word count doesn’t mean that much to most people, so for comparative purposes, it’s almost half of a book.

We also took a walk through the park over the weekend.

Peaceful water…

You can’t tell from the picture, but it was super windy!

I’ll have more coming soon. I’ll probably work on a few short videos this week, too.

Stay tuned!

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